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What is Lead?

Lead is a heavy, soft, moldable, blue-grey metallic element. It is not a good conductor of electricity and is resistant to corrosion. Its symbol is Pb, it has an atomic weight of 207.2 g / gmol, its atomic number is 82. It is mainly used in energy storage batteries; it is also used as a coating for cables.

Lead in waterSímbolo del Plomo

It has been reported that lead concentrations in natural water 0.4 – 0.8 mg / l (water deposits found in limestone and galena mountains). In surface water and raw water, they have a concentration of 0.04 – 0.01 mg / l. Industry and mining are the main contributors to the contamination of some aquifers, which often ends up in the water service network and the plumbing system of some communities.

Does lead affect health?

Lead has the particularity of accumulating in the blood, and has high degree of toxicity. Its neurotoxic effects (which affect the central nervous system) mean that even mild poisoning can lead to brain damage.

How do you remove it from the water?

There are different methods to reduce the concentrations of lead in water:

  • Increasing the pH of the water to reduce corrosiveness and precipitate lead.
  • Use reverse osmosis to treat contaminated water.
  • Use cation exchange resins.
  • Reduce chlorine levels.

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