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Dehydration is not dying of thirst.

We always recommend drinking plenty of water, perhaps a glass of water at each meal and another glass or more between meals. If you cannot drink natural water (which is the most advisable) it can be coffee or tea without sugar (but not alcoholic beverages or sweetened beverages).

Let’s start with some facts about water.

  • Water is the most important substance we consume.
  • You can survive up to 2 months without food, but without water, we would only survive up to 7 days.
  • Water constitutes 75% of an infant's weight and 55% of an adult's weight.

The body's cells do not function without water, and the human body has evolved its system to control its need for water in a variety of situations. In most cases, thirst is the most reliable signal that more water is needed. The main job of the kidneys is to expel enough water to keep the cells hydrated.


1. Urine with darker color.

Passing dark urine does not mean that you are dehydrated or have concentration from not drinking water, urine can be stained by consuming foods such as asparagus, blackberries and beets.

2. Improves skin moisturization.

Another popular myth is that water helps to moisturize the skin, prevent wrinkles and brighten the face, just by drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Drinking a lot of water does not improve the skin of people who are well hydrated.


Good hydration protects against kidney stones and there is evidence that it prevents constipation and reduces asthma from exercise. It can also protect against vascular diseases such as stroke, elevated heart rate and low blood pressure, and water is especially important in people with diabetes.

Although the importance of water is vital, there is no line that establishes how much water is needed per day. The amount of water is affected depends on what people consume, their weight and activity level, including the environment in which they live.

The North Carolina Institute of Medicine in the U.S., which gives recommendations about the amount of nutrients we need, says that adequate water consumption ranges from 700 milliliters for newborns to 3.8 liters for women during the breastfeeding period. Even so, it says that there may be individuals who are at adequate levels of hydration with a lower consumption than the one mentioned.

The Institute also says that all kinds of liquids can contribute to a person's water needs, including beverages such as tea, coffee, juices, soft drinks and plain water, as well as moisture contained in foods such as fruits, vegetables, soups and even meats. In fact, it is estimated that moisture from food accounts for about 20% of a person's typical water intake.

Although the Institute includes juices and soft drinks as potential sources of hydration, these beverages have become a nutritional problem in recent decades.

It is also not good to overdo it, as overhydration has its risks; marathon runners and other athletes have died from drinking more water than the kidneys can process in a given time, which leads to swelling of the cells, and lower blood levels of sodium and other electrolytes. At the same time, poor hydration can adversely contribute to concentration, reaction times, performance, memory, character and reasoning, and can cause headaches, fatigue and anxiety.

Sources: The New York Times / North Carolina Institute of Medicine


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