Mobile seawater desalination plant with solar panels


DWE Solar Mobile Seawater Desalination Plants

Compact emergency seawater desalination plant, with photovoltaic panels, skid/enclosed structure or cabinet mounted, to supply potable water for municipal, defense and humanitarian desalination applications, including different technologies.


Mobile seawater desalination plant DWE solar energy system

Seawater desalination plant for seawater, model: DWE SW0.2 VERSATILE L5 SOLAR

Seawater desalination plant; TDS: 35 000 - 45 000 mg/l

Technology used: Disc filters + ultrafiltration membrane + BW reverse osmosis membranes.

Production flow rates: 0.2 m3/h (seawater)

Mounted in a closed cabinet, solar power option with solar panels.

* Tailor-made plants for higher production flows, upon request.


AZUD WATETECH DWE plants are a durable and robust solution, as well as being compact and factory tested for Plug&Play installation and immediate start-up.

The automation and equipment of the plants allows for fully automatic operation to reduce operating costs and ensure efficient long-term performance.

They have a user-friendly interface, with remote control option, to facilitate system monitoring and control.

Sustainable compact seawater desalination plants.

The mobile salt water treatment plants are ideal for providing drinking water in emergencies and remote populations, designed with an extraordinary energy efficiency that enables its completely autonomous operation with the exclusive use of clean renewable energies, with the use of solar panels.

It integrates a series of water filtration and disinfection technologies that provide drinking water free of physicochemical and bacteriological contamination that meets water quality standards for human consumption, from any source of contaminated freshwater, brackish water or seawater.

How is it different from other plants that are assembled on site:

  • Less time on site for installation and start-up.
  • We optimize system performance and minimize energy consumption.
  • We guarantee the quality of the water supplied.
  • We reduce the consumption of consumables and chemicals.
  • We extend the useful life of the plant and its components.
  • No need for electricity in places without access to it, thanks to its photovoltaic solar panels.

The best solution for water treatment in mobile plants

Graphical example of the system

Fast transportation and start-up.

Brand success stories

Project: Chile


Agreement between OEMI and the municipality of Chaiten will allow the supply of drinking water through the desalination plant in Isla Desertores de la Patagonia.

Mobile water treatment plant for emergencies, remote communities or humanitarian assistance

If you need more information, please write to us: