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Water for general services.

tratamiento de agua para servicios
water softener
Generador de cloro

Water treatment for services.

When we talk about water for general services, we refer to water that is used in various applications and activities, with the exception of its use for human consumption. This implies that this type of water does not undergo the same level of treatment and purification as water intended for direct consumption for drinking. The use of water for general services is fundamental in daily life, as it is the water used in kitchens, bathrooms, showers, etc.

Some common examples of general service water applications other than those found in everyday households include irrigation of gardens and fields, cooling of industrial machinery, cleaning of surfaces, filling swimming pools, and powering heating or cooling systems. It is also the water used by corporations and companies to cover their general services.

It is important to note that, although it is not intended to be consumed directly for human hydration, water for general services must be properly managed and treated. This implies the implementation of management systems that prevent contamination and maintain its quality adequate for its intended purpose.

Disinfection against bacteria and viruses

Raw water is commonly extracted from natural environments where it is inevitable that microorganisms will be generated, either by organic matter coming into contact with the water or by the presence of microorganisms in the aquatic environment itself. These microorganisms may include bacteria, viruses, protozoa and other microbes that are an integral part of the natural ecosystems from which the water is obtained.

This is why it is necessary to disinfect the water, which is normally done by means of sodium hypochlorite or liquid chlorine. Chlorination helps maintain water quality throughout the distribution system, preventing the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms that could adversely affect the appearance, odor or taste of the water.

Removal of suspended solids

General service water used to supply businesses, housing and residential areas generally comes from water sources such as wells or surface water, including rivers and lakes. From any of these sources, at the time of water extraction for subsequent transport to its points of use, it is inevitable that there are no suspended solids and sediments such as sludge, sand, as well as animal or plant remains.

The presence of this matter in the water modifies its appearance, making it cloudy or not very crystalline, and it can also carry other types of contaminants including viruses and bacteria.

To remove these sediments, the water passes through a tank that has a filter media or granular media capable of retaining the physical contaminants in suspension in the water through its pores and structure.

Purification with activated carbon

Although not all water treatment systems use activated carbon, this purifying agent, derived from natural sources such as wood or coconut shells, is widely recognized for its ability to adsorb impurities and unwanted compounds present in water.

Activated carbon removes organic substances , odors, tastes, flavors, colorants and chemical compounds that could adversely affect the user experience or the operation of systems. Its porous structure provides a large surface area for adsorption of these contaminants. This ensures that water used in kitchens, bathrooms and other general services in both businesses and homes meets desired quality standards and is suitable for use without causing taste, odor, appearance or other inconveniences.

Mineral and scale control

If the water contains high concentrations of magnesium or calcium, additional treatment with a water softener must be added. The importance of a softener in service water is due to the fact that minerals in high concentrations have direct consequences on the water distribution system, since they can generate mineral deposits that can clog pipes, as well as affect the internal components of equipment such as water heaters and chillers in both residential and industrial installations.

To control scale, softeners use a resin that selectively retains minerals through a chemical process called ion exchange. Water flows through the resin which retains calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) ions because it is loaded by sodium ions. The resin has a higher affinity for ions with a higher positive charge density. The sodium ions are released from the resin and are replaced by the calcium and magnesium ions in the hard water.

Benefits of water treatment for services

  • Improves water quality for general use: Water ensures that drinking water meets quality standards and is safe for human consumption, while complying with regulations such as NOM 127 in Mexico.
  • Extends the service life of infrastructure and equipment: Proper water treatment, such as softening or removal of impurities, reduces the buildup of mineral scale in pipes, appliances and industrial equipment.
  • Reduction of water quality problems: The treatment improves the overall physical and chemical characteristics of the water by removing turbidity, microorganisms, contaminants and minerals.

More information:

Applications - Municipal water

Other sources

Official Journal of the Federation: NOM-127-SSA1-2021 Water for human use and consumption.

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