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Meet our purifiers

A water purifier converts water unfit for human consumption into a safe and potable source. Using a variety of state-of-the-art technologies and methods, this device efficiently removes contaminants present in the liquid, ensuring that the water is completely free of harmful substances, thus being safe for consumption and without health risks.

Purified water anywhere, anytime

The versatility of installing a water purifier system is present in its qualities that allow it to offer quality water at various points since its installation is not so complicated as it can be connected directly to the household connections, either in the sink or sink, the power line of the refrigerator or ice machines.

If installed in the kitchen, it can be placed under the sink with its independent faucet, so only a drilling is required to carry out the installation.

Easy maintenance and long-term savings

It should also be emphasized that maintaining a water purifier is simple and relatively inexpensive, especially when considering the expense of long-term bottled water use. Having access to safe water through a water purifier connected directly from the tap eliminates the need to purchase, transport and store large quantities of bottled water, which can be especially useful for large families, restaurants, cafeterias, businesses or for people living in areas where the supply of potable water is irregular.

Why purify tap water?

Suspended particles

Contaminants that are present in water can also be suspended particles that alter the color, taste and appearance of the water, generating turbidity. Turbidity is a measure of water clarity, where higher turbidity indicates a greater amount of suspended particles, such as silt, clay, microorganisms and organic matter.

Due to the size of these particles, they can harbor microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Therefore, the presence of suspended solids is an aesthetic and health problem.

Polluting chemicals

Depending on its source, water may contain organic chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides, as well as volatile compounds that modify the taste and odor of the water. It should also be remembered that, if the water comes from the municipal water system, it is commonly chlorinated to eliminate microorganisms; however, chlorination generates chlorinated by-products as a result of the reactions generated between the chemical and the organic materials.

The most representative are trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids.

Diseases and parasites

Drinking water directly from the tap can have consequences on human health, as viruses and bacteria may be present with the capacity to cause diseases such as cholera, typhoid, poliomyelitis, hepatitis A, among other complications caused by microorganisms. These pathogens can enter the water supply through contaminated sources such as groundwater seepage and agricultural contamination.

Although municipal water is chlorinated prior to delivery, depending on the dosage and the microorganisms present, more efficient disinfection methods will be required.

How does a

water purifier?

Water purifiers have several pieces of equipment each designed to treat and remove specific contaminants, such as sediment filters, activated carbon cartridges and purifiers, germicidal UV light lamps or reverse osmosis membranes, and in some situations, the use of a demineralizer may even be required, especially in cases where the water has high concentrations of minerals. These minerals, when accumulated, can cause scaling and clogging of the membrane in reverse osmosis systems.

Meet our purifiers

Sediment filtration

Improves appearance by reducing water turbidity.
The filtration process in a water purifier is made from filter cartridges through which the water passes while physically retaining the undissolved suspended particles on the surface of the filter material of which the cartridge is constructed.

Activated Carbon

Purification and chemical adsorption.
Activated carbon adsorbs organic compounds, chlorine by-products left in the water and even some heavy metals. Its purifying effect improves qualities such as water taste and odor caused by contaminants such as organic compounds.

Reverse Osmosis RO

Molecular level filtration.
A water purifier with this technology retains a large amount of contaminants as it only allows water particles to pass through and even retains the smallest bacteria. It is capable of removing dissolved salts and heavy metals, as well as organic and microbiological contaminants.

Ultraviolet Light

Disinfection by inactivation of microorganisms.
Directly damages DNA and RNA of microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria. Preventing them from causing diseases such as E. coli and Salmonella. As it is not a chemical disinfection method, it does not alter the ideal characteristics of the water.

Which water purifier to buy?

Before considering the purchase of a water purifier, it is advisable to carry out water quality studies. These analyses will identify the specific contaminants and characteristics of the source water in question. Depending on the results of these studies and the user's requirements, certain features will be needed in the water purifier. This pre-assessment ensures that the most suitable and efficient equipment is chosen for the specific needs, thus guaranteeing better water quality and greater efficiency in the removal of contaminants.

There are several models with specific characteristics and technologies that respond to different purification needs.

Reverse Osmosis Residential Water Purifier

Initial filtration of 5 microns: Water enters the purification equipment and is filtered through a sediment filter, which removes larger particles such as sand, soil and other debris.

Activated carbon filter: The filter is capable of removing substances such as chlorine, various organic compounds and chemical contaminants present in the water that could quickly damage and saturate the osmosis membrane.

Reverse osmosis with semi-permeable membrane: A semi-permeable membrane filters the water, retaining contaminants such as arsenic, lead and soluble salts, thus obtaining very high quality water.

Storage of purified water: The treated water is stored in a special tank. At the same time, the wastewater, which contains the contaminants and salts rejected by the semi-permeable membrane, is disposed of through a drain pipe.

Final filtration: This last step guarantees the elimination of any residual taste or odor, ensuring that the water leaving the system is completely purified by means of an in-line activated carbon cartridge.

AquaFlo water purifier

The AquaFlo water purifier has a four-stage system:

  1. Sediment filter
  2. Carbon pre-filter
  3. Reverse osmosis membrane
  4. Carbon post-filter

Its high quality reverse osmosis membrane offers purified water at the moment it is required, without the need for a storage system, which makes the purifier a compact device, with a stylish design that allows simple and quick access to the cartridges and filters.

It also has a digital indicator that notifies the useful life of each filter and a system that automatically stops the equipment and activates an alarm if water leaks are detected.

400 GPD 6-stage reverse osmosis and UV osmosis for commercial use

6-stage reverse osmosis system with the capacity to generate 400 GPD (Gallons per day) so it can be ideal even in commercial applications that demand a moderate amount of water. This is due to its higher capacity reverse osmosis membrane accompanied by a germicidal ultraviolet light lamp that ensures water quality and safety.

  1. Sediment filter.
  2. Granular carbon filter.
  3. Carbon block filter.
  4. Reverse osmosis membrane.
  5. In-line carbon filter.
  6. Ultraviolet lamp.

Due to its operating capacity, the water purifier requires a pump to raise the operating pressure, allowing it to obtain 400 gallons per day.

Instapura Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier Water Dispenser

The Instapura model IPCD-7W-RO reverse osmosis purifying filter water dispenser features a robust and elegant black design that stores water in a 304 stainless steel tank, suitable for homes, restaurant kitchens, offices or factories. It offers three output temperatures: hot, cold and warm.

The water purifier is based on five-stage reverse osmosis, capable of removing 99% of contaminants, including organic matter and microorganisms.

  1. 5 micron polypropylene filter for sediments.
  2. Two activated carbon pre-filters for chlorine and organic contamination.
  3. Reverse osmosis membrane that retains salts, minerals, heavy metals and most contaminants.
  4. Activated carbon post filter that ensures the quality of the taste and odor of the water.

DWMX1 3M water purifier with pre-filter and gooseneck faucet

This water purifier is composed of a pre-filtration sediment cartridge that protects the 3M purifier.

The water purifier consists of 3 stages that first remove suspended sediments through a filter cartridge, followed by a second stage ofbacteriostatic activated carbon and finally a 0.2 filtration membrane that retains bacteria. Complies with NOM-127 Water for human use and consumption. Permissible limits of water quality.

This purifier has the capacity to retain up to 99.99% of heterotrophic bacteria. However, it must be considered that it is not a reverse osmosis, so the water obtained, although safe for human consumption, may have a different taste compared to water treated with osmosis membranes.

Filter certified according to the Mexican Official Standard (NOM 244), validated by a laboratory accredited by the Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS).

Purago water purifier with ultraviolet light

The Carbotecnia UV light water purifier is a device designed to be placed under the sink. It has a three-step system for water purification. The stages include:

  1. A nominal 5 micron sediment cartridge, which helps remove particles and sediment from the water.
  2. An activated carbon cartridge, which is used to absorb and remove chemical contaminants and improve the taste and odor of water.
  3. A UV germicidal lamp, which is highly effective in disinfecting water by inactivating microorganisms and bacteria through exposure to ultraviolet light.

This device complies with the official Mexican standard NOM-244-SSA1-2008, which regulates germicidal equipment and substances used in domestic water treatment.

This equipment does not retain dissolved salts that can change the taste of the water, however there are Purago systems that have reverse osmosis.

Which water purifier is better?

As mentioned above, water quality must be known since the source will directly determine the characteristics and contaminants that must be treated. One of the main indicators of water quality is the total dissolved solids which indicates the concentration of minerals, salts, metals, anions and cations that are dissolved in the water and therefore cannot be seen with the naked eye, even when the water may appear to be clean.

However, it can be said that a reverse osmosis purifier can retain most of the contaminants, providing high quality water. Reverse osmosis purification is a technology that is used at an industrial level where high purity is required and it is even the same system used by large bottled water companies, so the taste obtained with these purifiers will be very similar to that of any commercial brand of bottled water.

Multistage pre-filtration

The reverse osmosis membrane of the water purifier can be quickly affected and saturated by elements such as large solids and chlorine, so they are accompanied by filter cartridges, activated carbon cartridges (carbon block) and even granular carbon in some models. This combination of technologies ensures clean and reliable water.

Effective removal of contaminants

The tiny pores of a reverse osmosis purifier exclusively filter water molecules, retaining microorganisms, salts, minerals and heavy metals such as mercury, copper and lead, which are associated with neurological diseases and cancer if consumed in high concentrations.

Superior taste and water quality

The reverse osmosis purification system, by capturing minerals such as calcium, magnesium and sodium that can alter the taste of water, ensures water quality and taste comparable to that offered by bottling companies, since it uses the same purification method.
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