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Advice on the technical and economic feasibility of an activated carbon to solve the client's problem.

Choosing the right activated carbon can be a complicated process. There are many factors to consider, such as application, price and product quality.

To help you choose the best activated carbon for your business, you can contact one of our engineers to assist you in choosing a carbon suitable for your application. When choosing an activated carbon for industrial use, you should consider what type of industry you are in and what material your product is made of:

Here are some aspects to take into account:

  • What is the purpose of carbon?
  • Are you looking for a carbon that removes certain compounds from a liquid, or do you need one that can absorb odors?
  • What is to be eliminated or purified?
  • What is the most suitable particle size?
  • Do you want an activator for your carbon?

Activators can help speed up processes and make them more efficient. They also help extend the life of the carbon, allowing it to be reused over and over again without losing its effectiveness. -What type of filter media are you working with? If you are using liquids or gases, choose a dry media; if you are working with solids, choose a wet media.

Other parameters for the choice of an activated carbon

Activated carbon is a highly porous material used to purify impurities from a variety of solutions. This makes it ideal for applications that require the removal of odors, pesticides and other chemicals. The first step in choosing an activated carbon is to determine the type of application for which you need it. There are three main types: granular, powder and pellet. Granular activated carbon is used for large-scale industrial processes, such as water purification or wastewater treatment. Powdered activated carbon is preferred for decolorization or batch-scale applications, such as purification of liquors, oils, wines or chemical adsorption agents. Pellet activated carbon works best when odor removal or air treatment is necessary, such as in industry or very particular gases.

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