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laboratory analysis of silica, iron and manganese in the water

Laboratory analysis service for silica, iron and manganese in drinking water

Drinking water is a necessity for our existence, but it can also be quite harmful to our health if it contains substances that are harmful to humans. Silica, iron and manganese are elements that can cause us problems when present in drinking water at high levels. Our company offers analysis services for these three substances so that you can be sure that your drinking water is safe.

Analysis of Silica - SiO2 in water

Silica is a hard, brittle inorganic compound found in nature in the form of quartz and cristobalite. Silica is one of the main components of the earth's crust and accounts for approximately 60% of its volume. It is also found in coal and many other minerals.

Analysis of Iron - Fe in water

You may have heard of iron, or ferrum. It is a trace mineral, but it is also an essential nutrient and an essential cofactor for many enzymes in the body. The body absorbs iron from food through two different pathways: heme and non-heme sources. Heme sources are meat, poultry and fish; non-heme sources are plants, nuts and legumes.

Manganese - Mn analysis in water

Although manganese is an essential nutrient, its excess can be detrimental to health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a maximum concentration of 0.05 mg/L for drinking water and 0.1 mg/L for some bottled water.

A list of services for the analysis of these substances in drinking water.

The list of services for the analysis of these substances in drinking water is: Analysis of silica, iron and manganese. We hope you have found this information useful. We are always looking to improve our services and would be pleased to receive any comments or suggestions on how we can do this. In the meantime, if you need information on the analysis of silica, iron or manganese in drinking water, please contact us today.

Request a laboratory analysis quote.

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