Vegetable activated carbon AA-M for treatment of distilled beverages.
AAM is a powdered activated carbon of vegetable origin, manufactured from wood and chemically activated under carefully controlled conditions. Commonly used to eliminate color in tequila, among other applications.
It has a high degree of activation and excellent adsorption capacity.
AAM can be used in decolorization processes of distilled beverages, as well as in the correction of some parameters where the problem molecule has a high molecular weight, such as proteins and color precursor molecules.
Carbotecnia's guarantee.
The specifications and information contained in this data sheet are based on sources we believe to be reliable and trustworthy, as well as on measurements performed by our quality control laboratory.
Since the conditions and methods of application are beyond our control, this document does not imply any implied or expressed warranty of product performance. It is recommended that the user always perform pilot tests to determine if the characteristics and performances reported herein are adequate for their process."

What contaminants that cause color in tequila can activated carbon reduce?
In the case of tequila, activated carbon can be an ally to reduce the presence of contaminants that cause color in the beverage, thus improving its appearance.
Among the contaminants that can be reduced with activated carbon in tequila are:
- Phenolic compounds.
- Natural pigments, which are responsible for the characteristic color of this beverage.
These compounds can be harmful to human health in excessive amounts, and their presence can negatively affect the quality and taste of tequila.
Activated carbon works through a process of adsorption, in which contaminants present in the beverage adhere to its porous surface. In this way, activated carbon can act as an effective filter to reduce the presence of unwanted contaminants in tequila, including those that cause color.
It is important to keep in mind that the use of activated carbon in tequila must be done carefully, to avoid affecting the flavor and aroma of the beverage. In addition, activated carbon must be used in adequate quantities and properly removed before bottling to ensure that the quality of the tequila is not affected.
Activated carbon can be a useful tool to reduce the presence of contaminants that cause color in tequila, improving its appearance and quality.
Tequila producers can benefit from the use of activated carbon to offer consumers a purer beverage, respecting industry standards and the health of their consumers.
At Carbotecnia we help you improve your tequila to reach the desired taste, smell and color.
Years of experience in activated carbon
More than 9
Types of charcoal for tequila treatment.