
We collaborated with SIAPA in the supply of pedestal drinking fountains that were installed in the Circunvalación, Tonalá and Pablo Neruda linear parks in the city of Guadalajara.

They needed sturdy equipment, suitable for children and adults, and with a COFEPRIS-certified purifier.


Considering the installation needs, budget and the place where the drinking fountains were installed, we recommend Portinox drinking fountains, which are made of stainless steel and have nozzles at different heights suitable for children and adults, which provide purified water at all times to athletes and people who come to these parks.

In addition, the purification equipment of these drinking fountains is certified by COFEPRIS in compliance with NOM-244.

Purified water.

Because of its internal technology, it eliminates contaminants harmful to health, making the water safe for everyone who comes to the park.


The installed Portinox drinking fountains are equipped with buttons that are easily operated by children and adults.

Care for the environment.

The use of drinking fountains helps to avoid the purchase of disposable bottles and the use of polluting plastics.

Look how they looked on the walkways of Zapopan:

Liters of water provided by a drinking fountain
Bottles that can be filled with each sprue
Drinking fountains installed
Number of parks in which they have been installed

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