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Irrigation water and crops.

tratamiento de agua de riego y cultivos (1)
Membranas Osmosis Inversa Aquaflo
filtro de discos azud

Irrigation water treatment

The relationship between irrigation and crop water quality and agricultural productivity is undeniable. Crops need water for growth, photosynthesis and nutrient transport, so the water must meet certain characteristics that allow these biological processes inherent to the crop to develop in the best possible way. Lack of water can lead to drought and production deterioration, which has a significant direct economic and social impact. The treatment of irrigation water and crops is a process that aims to improve the quality of the water used so as not to affect the soil and crops, as problems can arise such as salinization, accumulation of contaminants, damage to irrigation infrastructure, reduction in plant growth and yield, and even alter the fertility, as well as the chemical and biological qualities of the soil. Water may contain chemicals, microorganisms, salts, heavy metals or other contaminants that can negatively affect plant development, soil health and the environment. Therefore, it is important to treat water properly before using it for irrigation.

Water salinity

Salinity is an important measure of the total amount of dissolved salts in an aqueous solution and is typically expressed in parts per million (ppm) or in units of electrical conductivity (EC), which represents the ability of water to conduct electricity due to the presence of ions. This characteristic can originate naturally in groundwater sources due to constant contact with minerals in the subsurface. In this case factors such as geographical location and geological conditions affect water quality. The concentration of dissolved inorganic ions in the water in irrigation water can produce negative effects on the water and nutrient absorption capacity of plants due to the presence of sodium (Na+), chloride (CL-) and boron (B) ions. This led to altered crop growth and fruit production capacity. Finally, if irrigation water is not treated, there will be a reduction in soil fertility by preventing the retention of water and nutrients.

Suspended solids in water

Irrigation water may contain suspended solids that affect water quality and can affect irrigation systems such as nozzles, emitters, sprinklers, pipes and even the pump by clogging the water flow. These clogs result in lower irrigation efficiency and affect the quantity and uniformity of irrigation for crops, especially in micro-sprinkler and drip systems. Plants that receive less water than necessary enter a process of water stress in which they suffer a reduction in photosynthetic activity, growth and yield. In addition, they may be more vulnerable to pests and diseases.

Adequate pressure and flow

Devices that allow constant access to water are required to maintain consistency in irrigation and the available flow of water to avoid waste as well as to provide the entire crop with the necessary amount of water. In addition, depending on the water source, pumps will be required to allow the transfer or elevation of the liquid either from a surface source or a groundwater irrigation source. It should also be mentioned that if pressurized irrigation is chosen, as in sprinkler or drip systems, the lack of a suitable pump will make it difficult to create the necessary pressure to ensure uniform water distribution in the fields. This can result in inefficient irrigation and water loss.


Fertigation is a method that involves the administration of water and nutrients through the irrigation system, taking advantage of the regularity and uniformity of localized irrigation. This practice makes it possible to improve efficiency in the use of water resources and nutrients by adjusting the amount and timing of application according to the particular requirements of each type of crop. The irrigation system complemented with a chemical dosing pump will distribute the water and fertilizer mixture directly to the roots of the plants. Make sure that the distribution of water and nutrients is uniform throughout the field.

Equipment for irrigation water and crops

Reverse osmosis

Reverse osmosis is a process that consists of separating water from salts and other contaminants by means of a semi-permeable membrane that allows water to pass through, but not solutes. This process is used to obtain high quality, low salinity water, which can be beneficial for crop irrigation.

Its technology is able to reduce the risks of soil salinization, maintaining soil fertility. In addition, water purified by reverse osmosis is less likely to leave salt deposits or other residues in irrigation systems, which helps prevent blockages in water emitters, such as sprinklers or irrigation pipes.

Disc filters

Disc filters are a type of filter used for crop irrigation, especially when the water contains suspended particles that can clog irrigation emitters such as drippers or micro-sprinklers.

This type of filter uses slotted discs to retain solid particles. Its operation is based on the fact that the water passes through grooves in which the particles are trapped, which avoids obstructions in the irrigation system.

Efficient filtration through disc filters helps extend the life of irrigation system components, reducing wear and risk of damage, thus saving on replacement and maintenance costs.

Pressure pumps

Water pumps are one of the main components of irrigation systems, as they are responsible for driving water from the source such as wells, rivers, lakes or groundwater to the points of consumption, sprinklers and drippers.

Pumps allow water to be drawn from these sources and delivered to the fields, ensuring a constant and reliable supply for irrigation.

A constant flow and adequate pressure ensures an even distribution of water in the fields, which is essential to avoid dry or saturated areas and to ensure that all crops receive the necessary amount of water.

Chemical dosing pumps

A chemical dosing pump is a device that allows injecting a precise amount of chemicals into an irrigation system. These substances can be fertilizers, pesticides, nutrients, among others.

Among the advantages of these devices we have to improve the efficiency and uniformity of the application of nutrients to plants, avoiding waste and contamination of soil and water. These pumps also allow adjusting the dose and frequency of fertilizers according to the specific needs of each crop, optimizing the yield and quality of the products. It is also worth mentioning that it saves time and labor, since there is no need to prepare or transport nutrient solutions or apply them manually, as the system can be automated and programmed.

(For the use of a metering pump, the compatibility of the equipment with the fertilizer to be used must be checked).

Benefits of irrigation and crop water treatment

  • Conservation of water resources: Using treatment equipment for irrigation water used in cultivation helps reduce water wastage by only using the necessary amount of water. This benefit is of great value for regions where water resources are limited.
  • Increases crop productivity: Maintaining proper salinity conditions in the water applied in irrigation, as well as uniform and controlled dosage of nutrients, allows plants to grow healthily.
  • Protection of irrigation system equipment: Preventing suspended solids from entering the irrigation system extends the life of its components by preventing blockages in the water outlets.

Other sources.

World Bank: Water in Agriculture.

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