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Audit to optimize an activated carbon in use

Audit to optimize an activated carbon in use

If you use an activated charcoal, you have probably noticed that it is not as effective as it used to be. You don't get the same results with the same amount of activated charcoal, and you seem to need more and more to get the same results. But that doesn't mean that activated charcoal is useless.

It just means you might be doing something wrong. We can help in generating an audit to optimize your usage.

We still give you some tips to detect if your activated charcoal is being applied properly:

1) Make sure that the charcoal is exposed to air: new AC retains oxygen and expels it very slowly, this could initially affect the proper functioning. 2) Do not allow water to sit on the carbon bed for long periods of time; this makes it difficult for oxygen to reach all parts of the bed and may generate bacteria, which will decrease its effectiveness. 3) Make sure there are no other chemicals in the water before adding activated carbon: chemicals from other products can reduce the effectiveness of activated carbon by inhibiting its ability to absorb elements such as chlorine and sulfur compounds (which are commonly found in water). Activated carbon is an effective way to remove odors, tastes, chemicals and other harmful substances from water. However, if you use it incorrectly, it may not be as effective as you think.

Here are some ways to optimize your activated carbon:

  • Correct calculation of the backwash and review of the correct expansion of the bed.
  • Choose the right size: The size of the activated carbon granules should be large enough to capture larger contaminants, but small enough not to also trap too many smaller contaminants (which could lead to clogging). We recommend using a granule size between 0.5 and 1.5 mm in diameter.

These are just a few aspects but there are other variables that can influence a bad use of activated carbon.

We offer the service for the correct use and application of activated carbon.

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