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Installation of equipment for iron, manganese and H2S abatement and change of granular media for water treatment.

The water treatment plant upgrade system includes two identical catalytic oxidation, air separation and granular filtration systems. The equipment has been designed by our team and integrated into the existing plant.

The equipment in case it is designed by our team and from an existing plant.

We helped them install equipment for the reduction of iron, manganese and H2S, and can also review the calculation to see if the equipment is properly sized. To improve water quality and reduce the production of disinfectant by-products (DBP) in their plant and our job was to find a solution that worked for them.

This system provides operational cost savings, enables the production of high quality water and keeps capital investment costs low.

The system is designed to handle the required flow rate. The chemical injection system ensures that all chemical is used to remove contaminants from the water stream before it reaches the CEP plant equipment. The system is designed to remove the required contaminants with low energy consumption and without causing any damage to equipment or personnel.

If you require the service of installation and change of granular media, do not hesitate to contact us in the following form:

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