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Installation and maintenance of water treatment equipment

Installation and maintenance service

Having your water treatment system installed by a professional is always recommended. One of the main benefits of using a professional installer for your water system, is the speed due to the training that our staff has and to avoid a bad installation, which can lead to a loss of money and time in readjusting the system. In Carbotecnia we are experts in water treatment, we design technical systems for our customers based on their needs, offering them the best result for their projects.


Change of granular media beds

We offer the correct installation and start-up of all types of beds, based on the technical standards of recognized organizations, such as ANSI and AWWA.

Reverse osmosis maintenance

Reverse osmosis membranes require chemical treatment to remove carbonate, silica and organic matter deposits, as well as the control of microorganisms that develop inside the membranes.

Installation and maintenance of:

Water treatment equipment we handle

Equipos de carbón activado
Equipos de luz ultravioleta
Sistemas de ósmosis inversa
Filtros industriales
Generadores de ozono
Equipos Suavizadores
Filtro de cartucho
Services for applications:

Residential water purifier systems
Commercial water treatment systems
Industrial water treatment systems
Installation of drinking fountains, dispensers and bottle fillers.

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