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Cristian Alejandro de León Gómez, a student at the Polytechnic University of Chiapas, has awakened the interest of many with a project that, apart from being innovative, could be beneficial for society and for some of the most inaccessible communities in our country. Since high school, Cristian had been interested in developing a way to make rainwater drinkable. After watching a documentary on how this could be accomplished through a distillation process, Cristian's interest grew. A solar water distiller is the project that this young man has developed in the Environmental Technology Engineering program. A solar water distiller that is simple and economical'' as Cristian described it. It eliminates salts, fungal spores, bacteria and other contaminants that rainwater may contain. Today there are hundreds of communities that live hardships to obtain the drinking water they need. The contamination of rivers and aquifers in our country is an alarming issue that affects the members of these communities, which are the most vulnerable. That is why this project can be a light of hope for those who lack the vital liquid in their daily lives. Currently, this distiller can obtain up to 10 liters of water per day from rain or air conditioning systems. For this reason, the project was selected to be presented at the National Youth Meeting for the Sustainable Development of Mexico, which took place a few days ago in Xochitepec, Morelos.

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