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Maximizes smoothing and filtering efficiency with multiple MTS technology

In contrast to traditional softening and filtration systems, which typically adopt single or double alternating configurations oversized for peak water demand, as an alternative they can be designed on a multi-tank system (MTS), which is characterized by its capacity to expand and adapt according to actual water consumption needs. These systems are not designed with a "standard flow" approach, but are configured to be modular and adjustable, thus allowing efficient operation both in periods of low demand and at times of extremely high consumption.

Benefits of the MTS system of multiple filters or softeners:

  • Lower installation cost than a large equipment system.
  • Constant water treated 24 hours a day.
  • They adapt to water demand flows.
  • More compact equipment that takes up less space.
  • Lower operating costs.
  • Efficiency of the treatment system, due to savings in regenerants and water.
  • Constant high quality water.
  • Ease of maintenance and service.

MTS technology reviews and optimizes the sizing process to ensure effective performance during fluctuations in water demand. Designed to divide the total softened water requirement among three or more tanks, these systems alternate online operation according to actual demand and always include a tank in the process of regeneration, which avoids service interruptions. Diagram of MTS systems for softeners or fitros

95MTS Suavizador Multiple

Multiple smoothing system

Although MTS systems are calibrated to handle the maximum flow rates required, special attention is also paid to maintaining the minimum flow rates necessary to avoid channeling. This phenomenon occurs when water does not distribute evenly through the resin bed, creating channels that allow hard water to pass through and reduce the effectiveness of softening (softening). In addition to these hydraulic adjustments, MTS systems are designed with proper sizing of control valves and flow meters in mind. Although larger equipment may represent a larger initial investment, accuracy at lower flows can be crucial to system efficiency, especially in regeneration and prevention of premature hardness breakage. In an effort to support environmental sustainability and economic efficiency, Canature WaterGroup's MTS systems are optimized to use up to 50% less salt and water in regeneration processes. The MTS series not only reduces resource consumption, but is also accompanied by a fully programmable remote digital controller that ensures consistent and reliable softened water service 24 hours a day, every day of the week.


MTS system for multimedia filters or activated carbon

For multimedia or activated carbon filters is an advanced solution designed to optimize water filtration in applications requiring high capacity and flexibility. This system uses multiple tanks that can operate in parallel or in sequence, allowing for customization and adaptation to the specific water demands of the facility. The MTS system is based on the use of several tanks that, depending on the configuration, may contain filter media such as activated carbon, which is excellent for removing chlorine, tastes, odors and organic compounds, or multimedia media, which is used to reduce turbidity and filter sediments of different sizes. Each tank in the system can be used or deactivated automatically according to water demand. This is achieved through a central controller that monitors water flow, quality and other relevant parameters. When a tank reaches its maximum filtration capacity, it can be regenerated or backwashed without interrupting the overall flow of water, as other tanks in the system will continue to operate.

MST para filtros múltiples multimedia o carbón activado

Valves for multiple systems


Valve 95 for filter and softener

Water flow at 50 psi at inlet Continuous flow (15 psi pressure drop) 39 GPM Maximum flow (25 psi pressure drop) 50 GPM Maximum backwash (25 psi pressure drop) 32 GPM Volumetric flow coefficient 10 Cv Standard applications Softener: Up to 24 inches in diameter Filter: Up to 21 inches in diameter


105 valve for filter and softener

Flow rates: Continuous flow (15 psi pressure drop) 70 GPM Maximum flow (25 psi pressure drop) 90 GPM Maximum backwash (25 psi pressure drop) 70 GPM Volumetric flow coefficient 18 Cv Standard applications Strainer: Up to 36 in. diameter Softener: Up to 30 in. diameter

Advantages of multiple MTS system in a softener, deep bed filter or activated carbon VS single filters or softeners

Operational continuity:

MTS systems guarantee a constant supply of filtered water, even during maintenance, backwashing or regeneration processes of one of the tanks, which is not possible with single tank systems where service must be completely paused during these processes.

Efficiency and maintenance savings:

By distributing the workload among multiple tanks, each tank suffers less wear compared to a single tank system subjected to the same total workload. This translates into less frequent maintenance and a longer service life of the system components.

Scalability and flexibility:

The modular design of the MTS system allows more tanks to be added as filtration or softening needs grow, which is especially useful in installations that anticipate increased water demand. This offers a more scalable solution compared to having to replace an entire system with a higher capacity one.

Optimization of the use of filter media:

With the ability to adjust the number of tanks in operation according to actual demand, the MTS system can optimize the use of filter media or resin, extending their life and improving the quality of filtered or softened water.

Uniformity of the smoothing process.

By having several tanks operating alternately, the system can more effectively manage variations in inlet water quality. This is because while one tank is in regeneration or standby mode, the others can continue to process the water, ensuring that the softened water delivered is consistent in quality and composition.

Reduction of operating costs:

The ability to operate tanks independently and only when needed significantly reduces the water and energy consumption required for regeneration and backwashing compared to single-tank systems.

An additional feature of these systems is the battery backup that keeps the system operating and monitoring water consumption for up to 9 hours during a power outage, minimizing the risk of interruptions. Carbotecnia together with Canature complements the delivery of these systems with a comprehensive commissioning service, tailoring each installation to the customer's specific needs and guaranteeing the implementation of best practices from system design to operation. This customization ensures that each configuration is unique and perfectly aligned with the customer's requirements, backed by a team of experts committed to excellence in service and advice.

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