12 interesting facts regarding the use of bottled water.
Bottled water can be purchased almost anywhere and is quite convenient, but there are many problems associated with it. In fact, when you realize the problems and how many there are, you may avoid buying another bottle of water. 1. 800,000 tons of PET are used to make water bottles in Mexico and only 15% is recycled. Plastic is made from petroleum or natural gas, which are obviously fossil fuels and produce millions of tons of CO2, both of which contribute greatly to climate change. 3. In tests conducted by NRDC, approximately one third of the water samples from jugs showed some contamination, which means that it was not pure or safer than purified tap water. 4. There are now millions of tons of plastic in the environment, including water bottles, so if you stop using them or reduce their use, fewer will end up in places they shouldn't be, such as rivers, lakes and oceans. 5. Birds, mammals and sea turtles sometimes ingest bottle caps that they find in the wild, and are injured or killed. 6. In the production process of a plastic water bottle, 2 times more water is used than it contains. 7. The cleaning of bottles uses detergents and chemicals that contaminate the water, abundant rinsing and do not ensure total sanitization. 8. Most bottled water is transported by truck, rail or ship, so fossil fuels are burned to move it. 9. Plastic water bottles take more than 1000 years to decompose and incineration produces toxic fumes. 10. Polyethylene terephthalate No. 1 (PET or PETE) bottles are safe for one use only. With additional uses they can leach chemicals into water that can be harmful to human health, such as DEHA, which can cause cancer, and butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), which can disrupt hormones. 11. More than $100 billion is spent on bottled water each year worldwide, but most of that money is wasted because bottled water can be substituted in most cases. Tap water with a purifier is safe, plentiful and inexpensive. 12. Contaminants such as benzene, mold, kerosene, tetrahydrofuran, fecal coliform and other bacteria, disinfectant, elevated choline, styrene, algae, and glass particles have been found in bottled water. There are also reminders of this type of water, although marketing campaigns try to make it look natural, clean and pure. To summarize, buying bottled water can often be a high cost. Water in Mexico can be drinkable with a water purifier, there are many reasonable prices on the market. You can also carry your own water bottle made of a material such as stainless steel if you don't like plastic. Plastic PET water bottles usually end up in landfills, contribute to climate change and pollute natural habitats where they can cause injury and death to wildlife. If you bought plastic water bottles consistently for 30 years, you could lose money that could have been saved for when you need it.
Imagine having an extra $180,000 pesos for retirement.
However, buying bottled water now seems like a habit for some of us, so we don't pay much attention when we buy it. We don't think of all the problems associated with it when we grab a plastic water bottle or two when we are in a grocery or convenience store. So how do we change our habits? The first part is becoming aware of the consequences of our actions. Many of us are unaware of how much of our own money we are wasting each year on bottled water. We also may not know how much damage plastic water bottles do to the environment and potentially to ourselves as well. The second part of changing a habit is to define an alternative and then make the alternative easy to use. In this case, it could be simply buying a water filter and a stainless steel water bottle and filling it regularly to take with you. Keep this bottle near you as a reminder that you don't need to keep spending money on plastic water bottles or carafes over and over again. Jake Richardson
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